The Bioguard Corporation accommodates the Taiwan lecturers for the upcoming 13th East and West Small Animal Clinical Veterinary Conference on May 25- 27, 2021.
Due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, invited professionals from Taiwan in the field of veterinary will be giving their lectures virtually. With the growing number of participants yearly, the said conference is expecting to have more than 15, 000 participants for this year.
Known leaders in the field gather in our office, following strict COVID 19 safety protocols, to prepare different topics and deliver up- to- date knowledge. Since the conference is one of the biggest events for small animal veterinary that is held yearly in China, this event is expected to serve: as an exchange platform of science and technology for small animal clinical veterinarians; for promotion of the development of continuing education for small animal clinical veterinarians and China’s small animal clinical veterinary technology in line with international standards; and to improve the overall level of Chinese small animal veterinarians.
In line with this, an actual exhibition would still take place with more than 1, 000 exhibitors participating. Bioguard will be present in the event, showcasing our very own innovative high quality products for the pet industry.
Everyone who will be visiting the exhibition is reminded to take precautionary measures amidst pandemic situation.