The Bioguard Corporation will be launching Online Veterinary Courses starting first week of September, with Yung- Tsun Lo, DVM, PhD, one of the corporation’s veterinary experts, giving the lectures.
Dr. Lo finished his PhD Degree in Mississippi State University, College of Veterinary Medicine on 2007. After working in College of Veterinary Medicine in University of Florida and afterwhich in Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan as Post-Doctoral Fellow, he joined Bioguard in 2016. He will share lectures in his fields of expertise: virology, immunology, molecular biology and clinical microbiology during the online courses.
In addition to, Dr. Lo, together with his team, visits local veterinary clinics to conduct In- hospital lectures to the local veterinarians. These programs of the company are in line with the mission of providing not only high quality veterinary diagnostic kits but also extending professional support to our veterinarians.
Meanwhile, schedule and topics of his lectures will be announced in the coming weeks. Stay In- tune.