The campaign is a strategic move of CIPS to enhance its domestic buyers network in China.
In April, China International Pet Show (CIPS) launched the “Empowering 10,000 China Pet Retailers” campaign. The team has held training seminars in six cities so far and plans to hold 200 seminars and events through the end of the year.
The campaign’s key activity is the fine grooming and skin care seminar, which includes lectures and practice to improve pet store groomers’ skills. The systematic training is designed especially for pet stores to meet customer needs and increase their return on service. The seminar also includes store management skills, marketing techniques and niche classes on subjects such as bakery, photography, healthcare and more. The first group of 25 teachers have finished their training and started classes in various cities, and the organizer expects a team of 100 teachers join the campaign in the next couple of months. More than 400 store owners and groomers have participated in the seminar thus far.
“The seminars differ in size, from a dozen groomers to hundreds of participants. It is not a once for all event, but a continuous systematic training process,” said Lu Peng, general manager of CIPS. “We believe a healthy and sustainable retailing system is what China desperately need now. Pet stores services differ them from online e-commerce sales, which focuses more on products. Pet owners need the person-to-person communication now more than any time before.”
The 2022 show will be held both online and in person November 17-20 in Guangzhou, China.
[source: Pet Business]