Dr. Margie Scherk visit our Bioguard Corporation headquarters in New Taipei City, Dr. Margie Scherk is a private practitioner who founded Cats Only Veterinary Clinic, in Vancouver, BC in 1986, working there fulltime until June 2008 when she “retired” from practice.

She founded the Feline Internal Medicine folder on Veterinary Information Network (VIN), and through many opportunities on the online medium, has grown to love teaching veterinarians, vet students and veterinary care providers both online and around the world.
Also she has authored numerous book chapters and scientific papers and is the North American editor for the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. One of the things she is most proud of is pioneering the use of the Transdermal Fentanyl Patch for the alleviation of pain in companion animals.
We feel deeply honoured by your presence, hope to see you soon in Taiwan.