

Company News

Veterinarian Exchange Event at Bioguard Corporation

In late February, six veterinarians from the Japan campus of the International Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Academy visit Bioguard Corporation for an exchange event. We had the honour of engaging in extensive discussions with these professionals on various topics, including the current state of veterinary medicine in Japan.

During the exchange, we had the opportunity to showcase two of our devices:

1. Qmini Real-Time PCR Fluorescent Analyzer

2. miniCHEM Veterinary Coagulation and Chemistry Analyzer.

Learn More:

We are looking forward to the prospect of collaborating with these veterinarians in the future and are committed to providing even better services as we move forward, we are very grateful to have our Japanese veterinarian friends here at Bioguard Corporation.

                                                                             JAPAN International Chinese Veterinary Medicine Institute, 国際中獣医学院日本校 JTCVM