

Celebrating Innovation: Bioguard’s Canine 4BX Plus Rapid Test Kit Shines at the Taiwan SMEs Innovation Awards

At the beginning of 2024, Bioguard Corporation proudly stands on the brink of a promising future. Celebrate with us as we extend our heartfelt gratitude for the recent bestowed upon our innovative creation – the “Canine 4BX plus Rapid Test Kit,” a product crafted with dedication and expertise. The spotlight now shines brightly on our “Canine 4BX plus,” which was recognized as a beacon of innovation in the 30th Taiwan SMEs Innovation Awards, our commitment to excellence is reflected in our significant advancements in animal disease diagnosis. Learn More: Bioguard has always believed in Taiwan’s research and manufacturing, aiming to provide veterinarians with the best disease diagnosis services.  Bioguard will continue to strive in animal disease diagnosis and work towards expanding product services internationally, showcasing Taiwan’s strength to the world. Thank you for your support, your confidence, and your belief in our brand!!!.

Bioguard June Free Webinar”Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis in the Dog”

Biguard Corporation present this Wednesday, June 26, 2024, time 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM (Taiwan Local Time) our free Webinar! “Diagnosis and Treatment of Uveitis in the Dog”. 🔵About Our Speaker: Dr. Jingwen Luo, DVM / MSc / Veterinary Ophthalmologists🔵PRESENT IN ENGLISH🔵HERE to the registration link:…/1FAIpQLSfCEA5kPmz2pv…/viewformExclusive E-Certificate for Participants!We will send you the course link 5 days before the event and 1 day before it!!Attendees participating in the webinar for at least 50 minutes will receive an E-certificate the week after the webinar.Please register using the provided link to receive more information about the upcoming events.

Bioguard Corporation is present at ICARE 2024!

Our specialist team in Veterinary Medicine is currently in Ghent, Belgium, and it has been wonderful to meet all the new experts in exotic animals in ICARE 2024, we are very grateful for your support and for your interest in our diagnostic equipment and rapid tests kits and we are working hard to respond to all your inquiries as quickly as possible. ICARE 2024 is a conference organized by the European Association of Avian Veterinarians and is taking place from May 20 to May 24, 2024, in Ghent, Belgium and if you are at ICARE 2024, join Bioguard at booth G2, we assure you it will be an unforgettable experience for everyone and we look forward to seeing you! Learn More:

Bioguard expresses our deepest gratitude to the veterinarians who installed Qmini PCR testing machine and supported us.

2023/09/11 Bioguard would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the veterinary professionals who installed our Qmini diagnostic equipment and provided unwavering support.  Your invaluable contributions have not gone unnoticed and are deeply appreciated. Bioguard is committed to advancing pet care through innovation, collaboration, and dedication, by bringing the latest medical technology to the forefront. Ultimately, our goal is to improve the health and well-being of animals worldwide. Welcome veterinary professionals to elevate your PCR real-time testing with Our Q-mini. Our PCR Real-time Machine Q-mini enhances accuracy and optimizes results. Achieve precision effortlessly – embrace excellence in molecular analysis.

Bioguard appointment new esteemed advisors.

2023/08/11 Bioguard is honored to announce the appointment of Professor Chen-Hsuan Liu, Former Dean of Veterinary Hospital, Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Taiwan University, and Professor Kwong-Chung Tung, Former Associate Dean of The Department of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing University, as esteemed advisors. With Professor Liu’s international acclaim in Animal Tumor Pathology and Professor Tung’s specialized knowledge in Exotics disease, their expertise is set to elevate Bioguard’s capabilities Their invaluable contributions to the Bioguard reference laboratory will amplify our dedication to advancing veterinary diagnostics. We are excited to embark on this collaborative journey toward enhanced animal well-being.

Bioguard Qmini Real-time PCR Press Conference..

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2023/07/21 The conference took place on July 17th, attracting a diverse gathering of distinguished veterinarians, the event showcased the cutting-edge capabilities of Bioguard Qmini Real-time PCR, leaving attendees impressed with its accuracy, speed, and user-friendly design. During the conference, experts demonstrated how this groundbreaking technology is set to transform veterinary diagnostics, with its real-time PCR capabilities, Bioguard Qmini promises to revolutionize animal health monitoring and disease detection. The occasion fostered valuable networking opportunities, encouraging knowledge exchange and collaborations within the industry. The overwhelming support from the veterinary community ensures that Bioguard Qmini will play a pivotal role in advancing animal healthcare worldwide.

Bioguard present in the Eastern and western Small Animal Clinical Veterinarian Congress

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2023/06/02 Bioguard Corporation was present in the 2023 15th Eastern and Western small animal clinical veterinarian congress, this congress bring together top professionals and passionate veterinarians in the industry around the world. This is a non-profit public welfare congress, is a comprehensive small animal clinical congress,from Jiangsu Jointly initiated by Zhejiang province,Sichuan Province,Shanghai And Qingdao,the small animal Veterinary Science association of 56 provinces and cities in China will participate together.

Dr. Margie Scherk Visit Bioguard Corporation headquarters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2023/05/26 Dr. Margie Scherk visit our Bioguard Corporation headquarters in New Taipei City, Dr. Margie Scherk is a private practitioner who founded Cats Only Veterinary Clinic, in Vancouver, BC in 1986, working there fulltime until June 2008 when she “retired” from practice. She founded the Feline Internal Medicine folder on Veterinary Information Network (VIN), and through many opportunities on the online medium, has grown to love teaching veterinarians, vet students and veterinary care providers both online and around the world. Also she  has authored numerous book chapters and scientific papers and is the North American editor for the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery. One of the things she is most proud of is pioneering the use of the Transdermal Fentanyl Patch for the alleviation of pain in companion animals. We feel deeply honoured by your presence, hope to see you soon in Taiwan.

Bioguard at The 38th World Veterinary Association Congress (WVAC)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2023/04/28 The WVAC is an annual congress held by WVA, the world’s largest veterinary association, participation in WVAC 2023 offers a great level of exposure to various veterinarians, scientist, and technologist from across the world, Bioguard is committed to promoting animal health and welfare through innovative veterinary diagnostic solutions. We look forward to networking with fellow members and sharing our latest products and services at the event. The WVAC 2023 provide a unique experience for veterinarians worldwide to come together to explore the challenges of the veterinary profession through the exchange of knowledge and dialogue across all veterinary disciplines, to find solutions where possible and to demonstrate the value of the global veterinary community as a public good in a changing world. In this Congress, Bioguard Corporation have an excellent platform for promoting innovation and the best products that help improve the services provided by veterinary medicine to society.

2023 Taipei City Veterinary Medical Association’s Annual General Meeting.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2023/04/17 Bioguard is pleased to participated in the Taipei City Veterinary Medical Association’s Annual General Meeting. As a partner of the association, Bioguard is committed to promoting animal health and welfare through innovative veterinary diagnostic solutions.  We look forward to networking with fellow members and sharing our latest products and services at the event. Dr. Ko Wen-Je, the former Mayor of Taipei City, was also attend the conference and personally commend Bioguard and the Taipei Veterinary Medical Association for their commitment to improving animal welfare.Their dedication to this important cause is inspiring and vital for the wellbeing of pets in Taipei and beyond.