Breed-related disease: Affenpinscher
John K. Rosembert The Affenpinscher also known as the “monkey dogs,” could be described as cheeky little monkeys. That isn’t to say that they’re naughty but a comical little dog with bags of personality. He is a small, compact terrier-type dog with bushy eyebrows and a mischievous monkey-like expression. The coat is rough and […]
Feline Blood-Types
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Feline Blood-Types Andy Pachikerl, Ph.D Introduction Like humans, cats have blood grouping. However, cats do not have the blood-type O positive. The blood type classification of cats, however, is currently based on the AB system, but like dogs, there are other antigens besides the AB system , such as the Mik blood […]
Antibiotic Resistance: Horizontal Gene Transfer
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Antibiotic Resistance: Horizontal Gene Transfer Robert Lo, Ph. D, D.V.M. Antimicrobial compounds, including both naturally and chemically synthesized compounds, have been one of the most important inventions to combat infections. Penicillin was the first natural antibiotic to be discovered from Penicillium fungus by Alexander Fleming in 1928. Following the discovery of penicillin, […]
Breed-related disease: British Shorthair Cat
John K. Rosembert The British Shorthair is a dignified, intelligent and affectionate companion. They aren’t your general lapcat, but they tend to be always by your side on the sofa or at least nearby. Females tend to have a serious demeanor, while males are more happy -go-lucky. These laidback cats can get along well […]
Breed-related disease: Labrador Retriever
John K.Rosembert The Labrador Retriever (aka Labrador, or Lab for short) is one of several kinds of retriever, a type of gun dog. The Labrador Retriever is loyal, devoted, playful, and hardworking. He is patient with children and makes a wonderful companion and family dog. There are two types depending on which lab they […]
Breed-related disease: Persian Cat