

Fulminant Tritrichomonas foetus ‘feline genotype’ infection in a 3-month old kitten associated with viral co-infection

Laura Setyo, Shannon L. Donahoe, and Jan Šlapeta   Original article:   Tritrichomonas foetus is a microscopic single-celled flagellated protozoan parasite which mainly causes colitis (large bowel diarrhea) in young cats and kittens. A 3-month-old Bengal kitten showed severe T. foetus infection of the colon, cecum and ileum with concurrent feline enteric coronavirus (FCoV) […]

Serum Canine Pancreatic Lipase Immunoreactivity Assay (cPLI) in Diagnosing Canine Pancreatitis

Maigan Espinili Maruquin The lipases are present from a variety of cells, including pancreatic, hepatic, and gastric cells, with similar function, ie , hydrolysis of triglycerides (Xenoulis and Steiner 2012)( Steiner JM, 2000)(Dröes and Tappin 2017). From the pancreatic origin, the canine pancreatic lipase increases in the event of pancreatic inflammation (Steiner and Williams 2003, […]

Pneumonia and gastritis in a cat caused by feline herpesvirus-1

Source:   A fatal respiratory and gastric herpesvirus infection in a vaccinated, 6-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat with no known immunosuppression or debilitation. Histology examination revealed severe necrotizing bronchopneumonia, fibrinonecrotic laryngotracheitis, and multifocal necrotizing gastritis associated with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in affected tissues of larynx, trachea, lung and stomach. Immunohistochemistry also displayed […]

Feline Tritrichomonas Foetus Infection: A Review

Maigan Espinili Maruquin Structure and Epidemiology The protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus has sudden emergence of its syndrome in the 1990s causing feline intestinal tritrichomoniasis and has then attracted feline medicine studies (Levy, Gookin et al. 2003, Bell, Gowan et al. 2010) (Levy, Gookin et al. 2001 ). At a range of 10- 31%, infected cats […]


Andy Hua Introduction Classification Taxonomy Classically, the genus  Leptospira  was divided into 2 species based on genetic analysis:  L. interrogans  sensu latu (pathogenic strains) and  L. biflexa  sensu latu (saprophytic strains). L. interrogans  is divided into more than 250 serovars based on antigenic composition and further classified into antigenically related serogroups. There is a serovar […]

Bartonella henselae: An Infectious Pathogen among Cats

Maigan Espinili Maruquin I. Characteristics / Epidemiology  The Bartonella spp. have wide distribution worldwide wherein antibody prevalence in cats which ranged from 8–53% was recorded in Europe (Pennisi, Marsilio et al. 2013, Zangwill 2013) while approximately 5-80% of cats worldwide were recorded of serological evidence on exposure to this bacteria (Guptill 2012). They cause wide […]

Feline Pancreatic Lipase (fPL)

Andy Pachikerl, Ph.D   Introduction Pancreatitis appears to be a common disease in cats,1 yet it remains frustratingly difficult to establish a clinical diagnosis with certainty. Clinicians must rely on a combination of compatible clinical findings, serum feline pancreatic lipase (fPL) measurement, and ultrasonographic changes in the pancreas to make an antemortem diagnosis, yet each […]

Concurrent with T-zone lymphoma and high-grade gastrointestinal cytotoxic T-cell lymphoma in a dog

Source:   A 9-year-old, spayed female Golden Retriever dog showed lymphocytosis and lymphadenopathy, secondary to suspected chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Small-to-intermediate lymphocytes were observed from the cytological examination of the right popliteal lymph node via a fine-needle aspirate. The dog was suspected to have a low-grade lymphoma based on the finding of cytology. Also, […]

Case study: Primary cardiac lymphoma in a 10-week-old dog

Case study: Primary cardiac lymphoma in a 10-week-old dog   Robert Lo, Ph.D, D.V.M   Original:   Canine lymphoma usually appears in multicentric, alimentary, mediastinal, and cutaneous forms, but rarely affects only heart. This case reports a uncommon primary cardiac lymphoma (PCL) of a 10-week-old miniature dachshund. The dog clinically showed acute onset of weakness. […]

What are Feline Injection-Site Sarcomas (FISS)?

What are Feline Injection-Site Sarcomas (FISS)?   Maigan Espinili Maruquin   I. Characteristics / Epidemiology The feline injection-site sarcomas (FISS) were first reported on 1991 (Hendrick and Goldschmidt 1991). With the implementation of stricter vaccination and development of vaccines for rabies and FeLV, the increased incidence of vaccine reactions was recognized (Hendrick and Dunagan 1991, […]