
Experience the difference of expert care and peace of mind using the Bioguard rapid test kit.

At Makati Dog and Cat Hospital and at Fil-Chinese Animal Clinic your pet’s health is their priority. In addition to initial tests on the patient’s condition, they also employ the #bioguard rapid test kit, enabling them to provide prompt and effective care. #bioguard is a Taiwan manufacturer of rapid test kits for companion and exotic animals and  Some of the test kits available in the market are #cpv Ag, #CDV Ag, #fpv Ag, #FCoV Ag, and #FeLV Ag/#FIV Ab to name a few. Experience the difference of expert care and peace of mind using the #bioguard rapid test kit. Contact us or directly at: , to learn more about #bioguard and the list of available #rapidtestkit in the Philippine market.


Exciting Announcement!! Starting Sep 1, 2024, Bioguard Corporation will be relocating to a new office space that boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a more comfortable work environment. The new space will better cater to our needs and ensure a great working environment for all of us. Please be assured that this address change will not affect any ongoing work. We’re truly grateful for your ongoing support and determined to serve you with greater efficiency   Our new address will be: 6F, No.25, Wugong 5th Rd., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 248020, Taiwan

Get Ready for Bioguard new product Reveal at London Vet Show 2024!

Exciting Announcement!! Bioguard is exciting to announce our participation in the #LondonVetShow2024! Join us for an exclusive preview of our new product “new Antibiotic Susceptibility Test Analyzer”, designed to enhance animal healthcare. But First , Do you know what Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing is? Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing (AST) determines which antibiotics are most effective against bacterial infections in animals. It’s vital for choosing the right treatment. Please join Bioguard at the London Vet Show for a sneak peek of this New product and see how the process work. We can’t wait to share our latest advancements and connect with veterinary professionals. Date: November 14-15, 2024 Location: London Vet Show Stay tuned for more updates, and see you there!

2024 WASAVA CE in Taipei

It gives us great pleasure to be part of the WASAVA continuing education, which is being hosted by the Taipei City Veterinary Medical Association. Bioguard is proud to be a part of the event and is committed to pushing the boundaries of animal healthcare while advocating for the advancement of the industry. We remain dedicated to driving progress in animal healthcare and are excited to continue making strides in this direction.  We are excited to participate in the event for another year, reinforcing our commitment to excellence in veterinary diagnostics and care.

August Free webinar : The Role of Pathology in Tumor Diseases.

Join us for a Continuous Learning with Bioguard session: The Role of Pathology in Tumor Diseases 🔵Date: August 28, 2024 🔵Time: 8PM – 9PM (GMT+8) Present in ENGLISH Please click on the link below for registration:  🔵ABOUT THE WEBINAR: Pathology plays a crucial role in diagnosing tumor diseases, with histopathologic tumor grading offering insights into the likely behavior of a tumor. Understanding tumor grading and staging is essential for guiding further diagnostics, informing treatment options, and predicting the prognosis of common cancers in veterinary patients. In this webinar, you will explore the significance of pathology in tumor diagnosis, how pathologists assess the nature of masses and tumors, and the valuable information that pathological diagnoses can provide in clinical practice. 🔴ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dr. Hung-Shi Chiou earned his master’s degree in veterinary pathology from National Taiwan University in Taiwan. He is a board-certified veterinary pathologist in Taiwan, specializing in diagnostic pathology, surgical pathology, and laboratory animal pathology and currently, Dr. Chiou is a specialist in veterinary pathology and diagnostic pathology at Bioguard Corporation.

August Free webinar : How to Deal with Head Tilt in Rabbits?

Join us for a Continuous Learning with Bioguard session: How to Deal with Head Tilt in Rabbits? 🔵Date: August 8, 2024 🔵Time: 7 PM – 8 PM (GMT+2) Present in ENGLISH Please click on the link below for registration:  🔵ABOUT THE WEBINAR: A head tilt in a rabbit is often attributed to issues within the ear or brain. The two primary causes of head tilting in rabbits are inner ear infections and Encephalitozoon cuniculi, a small parasite that induces brain swelling. This presentation will delve into the comprehensive management of rabbits with head tilt, covering topics such as diagnostic procedures, laboratory work, and the development of effective treatment plans. 🔴ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dieter Everaert graduated from Ghent University in 2004 with a major in small animals and a minor in exotics. His focus on exotics included ferrets, rabbits, rodents, birds, reptiles, fish, and amphibians. In December 2004, he established a private practice in Herent, which relocated to Wilsele in 2013 and then to a larger clinic in Lubbeek in 2022. In 2021, he joined Nesto, a veterinary corporation in Belgium, and the clinic was renamed CURIOVET. His approach always emphasizes accurate diagnosis before treatment, making CURIOVET the first practice in Belgium to have a Cone Beam CT and in-house PCR.

2024 Hangzhou Eastern and Western Small Animal Clinical Veterinarian Congress: Event Recap by Bioguard

Bioguard Corporation was honored to participate in the 2024 Hangzhou WESAVC. Over the events of three days, we planned and hosted a series of fascinating exotic pet courses and special events.   Event Highlights: Exotic Courses: We invited several top industry experts to provide advanced insights on exotic pet care, disease diagnosis, and treatment. The course content was well-received for its depth and clarity. Participants expressed that they gained a deeper understanding of clinical testing techniques for exotic pets and learned many practical skills. Special Events: There were multiple interactive sessions where experts and veterinarians discussed clinical cases and shared valuable experiences face-to-face. Attendees enjoyed the relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The latest diagnostic equipment and technologies were showcased, attracting significant interest from many veterinarians who actively participated in trials and discussions. Gratitude to You: We especially want to thank all the participating veterinarians. Your enthusiastic participation and active interaction made this event a complete success. We look forward to reuniting with you at future events, advancing together, and creating brilliance! More information about WESAVC:

Happy International Day of Dogs in the Workplace!

Every June 21st, we celebrate World Take Your Dog to Work Day, a date that aims to raise awareness among organizations to allow their employees to bring their pets to the office for that day in Bioguard Corporation welcomed three special guests to our office today and we’re excited to welcome our three special guests to the office today:                                                                                Shadow: A playful nine-month-old Monble who’s always up for some fun.                                                                Kune Kim: Our handsome golden retriver, whose name translates to “Inlaid with gold” in Taiwanese.   Their presence is bringing so much joy and attention to the office today! If you’ve brought your furry friends to work, we’d love to see them too. Feel free to share an image of your pet in the comments below and let’s celebrate this special day together!

This July 31 of 2024 Bioguard Corporation offer you a free online webinar.

Get familiar with diagnosing three important feline viral diseases: FeLV, FIV, and FIP. Sponsored by Bioguard Corporation and presented by Dr. Yung-Tsun Lo, DVM /Ph.D., this is the next webinar you don’t want to miss. ABOUT THE WEBINAR: Feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), caused by feline coronavirus, are three major feline viral infections of clinical significance. Despite the availability of some diagnostic tests, diagnosing these three viral diseases remains a challenge in clinical practice, this webinar will discuss the approaches and challenges involved in effectively diagnosing FeLV, FIV, and FIP in the clinic. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Dr. Lo obtained his D.V.M. degree from National Chiayi University and his Ph.D. from the College of Veterinary Medicine, Mississippi State University. He has expertise in virology, clinical microbiology, and immunology. Previously, he worked as the Director of the Reference Lab at Bioguard Corporation. Currently, he works as a Technical Support Manager at Bioguard Corporation. Certificate of Attendance: eCertificate will be issued to the registered attendants joining the webinar for at least 50 minutes. Register here Now!: How to Use Different Diagnostic Tests to Identify Infectious Diseases in Cats- FeLV, FIV, and FIP ( We are looking forward to seeing you at this event!!!.

Veterinarian Exchange Event at Bioguard Corporation

In late February, six veterinarians from the Japan campus of the International Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Academy visit Bioguard Corporation for an exchange event. We had the honour of engaging in extensive discussions with these professionals on various topics, including the current state of veterinary medicine in Japan. During the exchange, we had the opportunity to showcase two of our devices: 1. Qmini Real-Time PCR Fluorescent Analyzer 2. miniCHEM Veterinary Coagulation and Chemistry Analyzer. Learn More: We are looking forward to the prospect of collaborating with these veterinarians in the future and are committed to providing even better services as we move forward, we are very grateful to have our Japanese veterinarian friends here at Bioguard Corporation.                                                                              JAPAN International Chinese Veterinary Medicine Institute, 国際中獣医学院日本校 JTCVM