
Bioguard Leishmania Ab Test: The best solution for diagnosis of Canine Leishmaniasis

The Bioguard Leishmania Ab Test is a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay test for the qualitative detection of Leishmania Ab. Developed and manufacture by Bioguard Corporation to detect vector-borne diseases in dogs. Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan parasite (Leishmania infantum) found in dogs and certain rodents in many parts of the world. The parasite is transmitted by a biting insect- the sandfly. Symptoms may include sores on the skin, peeling, ulcers, loss of weight, bald patches, conjunctivitis, blindness, nasal discharge, muscular atrophy, inflammation, swelling, and organ failure, including mild heart attacks. (CDC).

Webinar: Canine Vector Borne Diseases- Diagnosis in the Companion Animal Practice

The free class “Continuous learning with Bioguard” theme for this month will be conducted by Joel P. Tolentino, DVM, DPCPP. Dr Tolentino is a practicing veterinarian in Tolentino’s Animal Clinic and Grooming Center and Twin J Grooming Center and Pet Supplies in Manila. He graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Dela Salle-Araneta University. Currently, Dr Tolentino is also working as an independent veterinary consultant. In this lecture, you will learn all about cause, symptoms, treatment and most of all diagnosis of anaplasmosis, babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and heartworms in dogs. Early detection and minimizing of differential diagnosis are critical on the approach in handling single or multi-factorial disease sources of the clients. Still the recovery of the pet animals are a critical success point in the companion animal practice. Register For the Free Class

The NEW Bioguard’s “VLabs 4LX” rapid test kit

The VLabs 4LX is a sandwich lateral flow immunochromatographic assay test for the qualitative detection of Canine Heartworm Ag, Leishmania Ab, Ehrlichia canis Ab, and Anaplasma Ab. Developed and manufacture by Bioguard Corporation to detect vector-borne diseases in dogs. Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by a protozoan parasite (Leishmania infantum) found in dogs and certain rodents in many parts of the world. The parasite is transmitted by a biting insect- the sandfly. Symptoms may include sores on the skin, peeling, ulcers, loss of weight, bald patches, conjunctivitis, blindness, nasal discharge, muscular atrophy, inflammation, swelling, and organ failure, including mild heart attacks. (CDC).

Webinar: Diagnosis of the Hematologic Parasites in Dogs – How It Works In Practice

The free class “Continuous learning with Bioguard” theme for this month will be conducted by Chen-Si Lin, DVM, PhD. Dr. Lin is a professor in Department of Veterinary Medicine and director of Zoonosis Research Center, National Taiwan University. In addition, she is a formal director of Animal Disease Diagnostic Center, National Taiwan University. Her specialty include Veterinary Clinical Microbiology, Immunology, and Animal Cancer Biology and Therapeutic Development. In this lecture, we will talk diagnosis of the hematologic parasites, or vector-borne pathogens, in dogs Vector-borne diseases are one of major threats to canine health. They are transmitted by the bite of infected arthropod species such as mosquitoes or ticks. These diseases may cause severe complications if they are not well diagnosed and treated. Severe cases may even lead to organ failure and death. Therefore, the healthy management plan for dogs should contain routine checks for these vector-borne diseases.

Webinar: Feline Infectious Peritonitis- Diagnostic Challenges in Practice

The free class “Continuous learning with Bioguard” theme for this month will be conducted on May 25th. hosted by Dr. Yung-Tsun Lo, DVM, Ph.D. and , an expert in virology, molecular biology, and clinical microbiology at Bioguard Corporation. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is caused by the infection of feline coronavirus. Once a cat develops clinical FIP, the disease is usually progressive and almost always fatal. Diagnosis of FIP remains challenging and typically is the combination of signalment, clinical signs, and diagnostic aids that will help the clinician to obtain a diagnosis. In some cases, the diagnosis can be elusive and may depend on the logical exclusion of other possibilities. Overall, prompt diagnosis of FIP is not only important for disease management, but also for better quality of life of the infected cat.

Webinar: Diagnosis and treatment of pancreatitis in cats

The free class “Continuous learning with Bioguard” theme for this month will be conducted on June 29, 2022, hosted by Dr. Hung-Shi Chiou, DVM, MVM, DCSVP. Dr. Chiou has obtained his Master’s degree in Veterinary Medicine (M.V.M) from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan, and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) from the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. He has expertise in veterinary pathology, zoo animal pathology, domestic animal disease, and comparative pathology. He possesses solid and ample academic and industrial experience. Currently, he is working as a veterinary pathologist at Animed Co., Ltd (Taiwan). In this webinar, he will be focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of cat pancreatitis based on the ACVIM consensus statement. Pancreatitis in cats is commonly diagnosed, still presents many diagnostic and management challenges. Pancreatitis is amenable to antemortem diagnosis by integrating all clinical and diagnostic information available, and recognizing that acute pancreatitis is far easier to diagnose than chronic pancreatitis. Although both forms of pancreatitis can be managed successfully in many cats, management measures are far less clearly defined for chronic pancreatitis. Management of pancreatitis in cats remains challenging and definitive treatments are currently unavailable. Accurate diagnosis of pancreatitis in cats requires the integration of history and clinical findings, diagnostic imaging, laboratory data, and potentially cytology or histopathology. Depending on the clinical findings in an individual cat, additional diagnostic tests to rule out other differential diagnoses may be needed. Management of acute pancreatitis involves treatment of potential causes, fluid therapy, analgesics, antiemetics, nutritional support, and other symptomatic and supportive care as needed.

Webinar: “Canine Hypothyroidism: Diagnosis & Treatment”

The free class “Continuous learning with Bioguard” theme for this month will be conducted on July 27, 2022, hosted by Bioguard, and the speaker is Dr. Sushant Sadotra. Dr. Sushant obtained his Ph.D. from National Tsing Hua University and Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He has expertise in biomarker discovery and protein structural biology with a strong research background in investigating potential biomarkers in companion animals. Currently, Dr. Sushant works with Bioguard Corporation (Taiwan) as a Diagnostic Specialist. In this webinar, Dr. Sushant will focus on diagnosing and treating Canine Hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is the most prevalent endocrine disorder among dogs. It can occur due to the destruction of the thyroid gland, irregular action of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland, or issue at any stage in the hypothalamus-pituitary–thyroid (HPT) axis. However, the clinical signs of hypothyroidism can be easily confused with non-thyroidal problems, making the diagnosis a bit challenging. Several diagnostic tools are available these days to confirm the occurrence of hypothyroidism in patients. Total T4, total T3, free T4, free T3, serum TSH concentration, TSH stimulation test, and TRH stimulation test are the most frequently employed in the laboratory for thyroid evaluation in dogs. This lecture will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of these tests and factors that can influence tests outcome. Other less commonly used diagnostic tests and treatment methods for hypothyroidism in dogs will also be addressed. Overall, it will provide an insight into the severity of hypothyroidism, followed by diagnosis and management of this disorder in canines.

WEBINAR: Importance of immunochromatographic tests for the diagnosis of hemoparasites in daily clinical practice and their possible complications

Bioguard Corporation organizes international webinars each month to get engaged and share knowledge with partners and related professionals. This month’s webinar is going to be held on August 30, 2022, 8:00 PM–9:00 PM (Peru Time), and the talk topic is “Importance of immunochromatographic tests for the diagnosis of hemoparasites in daily clinical practice and their possible complications.” We would like to invite you to participate and also to share the word with your fellow friends. This Webinar will be delivered in Spanish! Registration Link