Our Rapid Test is self-developed and manufactured in Taiwan, and boasts high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.
User- Friendly
Simple and easy-to-use diagnostic solution that can be conveniently stored at room temperature.
Tailored Solution
Our Rapid Test can be cost-effective and customized to meet all customer requirements and align with diverse marketing needs.
- FeLV Ag Test
- FPV Ag Test
- Toxoplasma IgM/IgG Ab Test
- FCoV Ab Test
- FCoV Ag Test
- FCV Ag / FHV Ag Combo Test
- FeLV Ag / FIV Ab Combo Test
- Feline 3X (FeLV Ag/ FIV Ab/ FCoV Ab)
- Feline 3DX (FPV Ag/FCoV Ag/Giardia Ag)
- Feline 3HX (FHW Ag / FeLV Ag / FIV Ab)
- Giardia Ag Test
- Peritonitis Detection Kit
- Feline Blood Typing Kit
More Details
Specimen : Serum, plasma, pleural effusion or ascites.
Subject : Feline
Testing time : 5-10 minutes
More Details
Specimen: Feces
Subject: Feline
Testing time : 5-10 minutes
More Details
Specimen : Serum, plasma, pleural effusion and ascites(pleural effusion and ascites for FCoV only).
Subject : Feline
Testing time : 5-10 minutes